Public Results 2011

This benchmark samples orthologs following a comb species tree from eukaryota species, infers gene trees from them and compare them with the expected species tree. Details on this benchmark are available in Altenhoff and Dessimoz, 2019 Phylogenetic and Functional Assessment of Orthologs Inference Projects and Methods. PLoS Computational Biology, 5(1): e1000262.

This is an interactive plot of the results. You can enable/disable methods by clicking on the label in the legend, or hover over the data points to get extra information. The measures we use for precession and recall are explained in the documentation section.

Project Recall - completed tree samples Avg. Robinson-Foulds distance
Broccoli_1.0 12343 +- 141 0.0876 +- 0.0037
EggNOG 8341 0.0749 +- 0.0040
EggNOG-5-Fine-grained 9118 0.0701 +- 0.0037
EggNOG-5-Groups 9204 0.0723 +- 0.0037
EnsemblCompara-e56 9673 0.0845 +- 0.0040
EnsemblCompara-e81 10974 0.0871 +- 0.0037
GETHOGs-2.0 7902 0.0614 +- 0.0037
Hieranoid2 10038 0.0585 +- 0.0032
InParanoid 11925 0.0547 +- 0.0028
InParanoidCore 7808 0.0559 +- 0.0036
MetaPhOrs 13702 0.0848 +- 0.0033
OMA-GETHOGs 8490 0.0562 +- 0.0034
OMA-Groups-2.0 6370 0.0508 +- 0.0039
OMA-Groups-RefSet5 4899 0.0500 +- 0.0044
OMA-Pairs 8239 0.0537 +- 0.0034
OMA-Pairs-2.0 9051 0.0577 +- 0.0035
OrthoFinder-2.0-BLAST 12075 0.0749 +- 0.0033
OrthoFinder-2.0-DIAMOND 11540 0.0725 +- 0.0033
OrthoFinder-2.0-MSA 12535 0.0838 +- 0.0034
Orthoinspector-1.30 10385 0.0624 +- 0.0033
PANTHER-all 13653 0.0739 +- 0.0030
PANTHER-LDO 6666 0.0498 +- 0.0036
PhylomeDB 11866 0.0649 +- 0.0031
Proteinortho_6.0.13 6100 +- 129 0.0566 +- 0.0041
RBH-BBH 9234 0.0672 +- 0.0036
RSD 8880 0.0699 +- 0.0037
SonicParanoid 10446 0.0604 +- 0.0032
SonicParanoid_fast 10124 0.0583 +- 0.0032
SonicParanoid_sensitive 10891 0.0620 +- 0.0032

This benchmark samples orthologs following a comb species tree from fungi species, infers gene trees from them and compare them with the expected species tree. Details on this benchmark are available in Altenhoff and Dessimoz, 2019 Phylogenetic and Functional Assessment of Orthologs Inference Projects and Methods. PLoS Computational Biology, 5(1): e1000262.

This is an interactive plot of the results. You can enable/disable methods by clicking on the label in the legend, or hover over the data points to get extra information. The measures we use for precession and recall are explained in the documentation section.

Project Recall - completed tree samples Avg. Robinson-Foulds distance
Broccoli_1.0 2459 +- 74 0.250 +- 0.013
EggNOG 2062 0.237 +- 0.013
EggNOG-5-Fine-grained 2502 0.257 +- 0.013
EggNOG-5-Groups 2352 0.254 +- 0.013
EnsemblCompara-e56 1867 0.260 +- 0.015
EnsemblCompara-e81 1945 0.251 +- 0.014
GETHOGs-2.0 1400 0.209 +- 0.016
Hieranoid2 2144 0.228 +- 0.013
InParanoid 2315 0.241 +- 0.013
InParanoidCore 1673 0.217 +- 0.014
MetaPhOrs 2347 0.256 +- 0.013
OMA-GETHOGs 1827 0.227 +- 0.014
OMA-Groups-2.0 945 0.196 +- 0.018
OMA-Groups-RefSet5 529 0.194 +- 0.025
OMA-Pairs 1314 0.212 +- 0.016
OMA-Pairs-2.0 1524 0.215 +- 0.015
OrthoFinder-2.0-BLAST 2768 0.266 +- 0.012
OrthoFinder-2.0-DIAMOND 2730 0.266 +- 0.012
OrthoFinder-2.0-MSA 2760 0.268 +- 0.012
Orthoinspector-1.30 2208 0.240 +- 0.013
PANTHER-all 2572 0.284 +- 0.013
PANTHER-LDO 2034 0.243 +- 0.014
PhylomeDB 2380 0.244 +- 0.013
Proteinortho_6.0.13 1105 +- 59 0.181 +- 0.017
RBH-BBH 2210 0.256 +- 0.013
RSD 1945 0.249 +- 0.014
SonicParanoid 1971 0.230 +- 0.013
SonicParanoid_fast 1579 0.208 +- 0.014
SonicParanoid_sensitive 2256 0.236 +- 0.013

This benchmark samples orthologs from randomly sub-sampled species trees from the luca clade, infers a gene tree from each sampled group and compares them with the expected species tree. Details on this benchmark are available in Altenhoff A et al., 2016 Standardized benchmarking in the quest for orthologs. Nature Methods, 13, 425-430.

This is an interactive plot of the results. You can enable/disable methods by clicking on the label in the legend, or hover over the data points to get extra information. The measures we use for precession and recall are explained in the documentation section.

Project Recall - completed tree samples Avg. Robinson-Foulds distance
Broccoli_1.0 4314 +- 123 0.264 +- 0.015
EggNOG 2217 0.191 +- 0.016
EggNOG-5-Fine-grained 912 0.096 +- 0.019
EggNOG-5-Groups 8295 0.253 +- 0.015
EnsemblCompara-e56 3562 0.224 +- 0.015
EnsemblCompara-e81 3806 0.241 +- 0.015
GETHOGs-2.0 3751 0.217 +- 0.014
Hieranoid2 3862 0.211 +- 0.014
InParanoid 4661 0.200 +- 0.014
InParanoidCore 2530 0.176 +- 0.014
MetaPhOrs 2848 0.231 +- 0.015
OMA-GETHOGs 4639 0.191 +- 0.014
OMA-Groups-2.0 2023 0.187 +- 0.017
OMA-Groups-RefSet5 1393 0.167 +- 0.019
OMA-Pairs 3163 0.211 +- 0.014
OMA-Pairs-2.0 3881 0.215 +- 0.014
OrthoFinder-2.0-BLAST 4425 0.231 +- 0.015
OrthoFinder-2.0-DIAMOND 4356 0.233 +- 0.015
OrthoFinder-2.0-MSA 4071 0.231 +- 0.015
Orthoinspector-1.30 3974 0.211 +- 0.014
PANTHER-all 4877 0.270 +- 0.015
PANTHER-LDO 3358 0.218 +- 0.014
PhylomeDB 3047 0.205 +- 0.014
Proteinortho_6.0.13 2031 +- 87 0.164 +- 0.016
RBH-BBH 4315 0.209 +- 0.014
RSD 3786 0.200 +- 0.014
SonicParanoid 3313 0.195 +- 0.014
SonicParanoid_fast 2102 0.155 +- 0.015
SonicParanoid_sensitive 4363 0.203 +- 0.014

This benchmark samples orthologs from randomly sub-sampled species trees from the eukaryota clade, infers a gene tree from each sampled group and compares them with the expected species tree. Details on this benchmark are available in Altenhoff A et al., 2016 Standardized benchmarking in the quest for orthologs. Nature Methods, 13, 425-430.

This is an interactive plot of the results. You can enable/disable methods by clicking on the label in the legend, or hover over the data points to get extra information. The measures we use for precession and recall are explained in the documentation section.

Project Recall - completed tree samples Avg. Robinson-Foulds distance
Broccoli_1.0 6744 +- 150 0.267 +- 0.010
EggNOG 4182 0.255 +- 0.010
EggNOG-5-Fine-grained 2901 0.257 +- 0.010
EggNOG-5-Groups 7436 0.278 +- 0.011
EnsemblCompara-e56 3649 0.252 +- 0.010
EnsemblCompara-e81 4110 0.276 +- 0.011
GETHOGs-2.0 2863 0.2194 +- 0.0095
Hieranoid2 4122 0.2373 +- 0.0098
InParanoid 4763 0.2400 +- 0.0099
InParanoidCore 2965 0.2314 +- 0.0099
MetaPhOrs 3541 0.269 +- 0.010
OMA-GETHOGs 3534 0.2465 +- 0.0095
OMA-Groups-2.0 1236 0.197 +- 0.014
OMA-Groups-RefSet5 756 0.176 +- 0.017
OMA-Pairs 2274 0.215 +- 0.011
OMA-Pairs-2.0 2513 0.224 +- 0.010
OrthoFinder-2.0-BLAST 6290 0.264 +- 0.010
OrthoFinder-2.0-DIAMOND 6049 0.256 +- 0.010
OrthoFinder-2.0-MSA 6732 0.278 +- 0.010
Orthoinspector-1.30 4931 0.2548 +- 0.0099
PANTHER-all 6724 0.299 +- 0.011
PANTHER-LDO 4769 0.251 +- 0.010
PhylomeDB 3370 0.248 +- 0.010
Proteinortho_6.0.13 1953 +- 85 0.200 +- 0.011
RBH-BBH 5265 0.2474 +- 0.0099
RSD 4446 0.250 +- 0.010
SonicParanoid 3995 0.2404 +- 0.0097
SonicParanoid_fast 3155 0.2330 +- 0.0098
SonicParanoid_sensitive 5051 0.2466 +- 0.0099

This benchmark samples orthologs from randomly sub-sampled species trees from the vertebrata clade, infers a gene tree from each sampled group and compares them with the expected species tree. Details on this benchmark are available in Altenhoff A et al., 2016 Standardized benchmarking in the quest for orthologs. Nature Methods, 13, 425-430.

This is an interactive plot of the results. You can enable/disable methods by clicking on the label in the legend, or hover over the data points to get extra information. The measures we use for precession and recall are explained in the documentation section.

Project Recall - completed tree samples Avg. Robinson-Foulds distance
Broccoli_1.0 16129 +- 205 0.2128 +- 0.0073
EggNOG 14397 0.1977 +- 0.0069
EggNOG-5-Fine-grained 13443 0.2049 +- 0.0068
EggNOG-5-Groups 14444 0.2175 +- 0.0074
EnsemblCompara-e56 12071 0.1993 +- 0.0069
EnsemblCompara-e81 13466 0.2091 +- 0.0073
GETHOGs-2.0 11212 0.2061 +- 0.0077
Hieranoid2 11868 0.1899 +- 0.0069
InParanoid 12242 0.2000 +- 0.0071
InParanoidCore 8956 0.1649 +- 0.0062
MetaPhOrs 17402 0.2081 +- 0.0072
OMA-GETHOGs 11549 0.2057 +- 0.0071
OMA-Groups-2.0 7570 0.1764 +- 0.0070
OMA-Groups-RefSet5 6145 0.1803 +- 0.0069
OMA-Pairs 10239 0.2015 +- 0.0074
OMA-Pairs-2.0 11104 0.1999 +- 0.0074
OrthoFinder-2.0-BLAST 18488 0.1984 +- 0.0068
OrthoFinder-2.0-DIAMOND 18717 0.2043 +- 0.0069
OrthoFinder-2.0-MSA 21186 0.2130 +- 0.0072
Orthoinspector-1.30 15242 0.1966 +- 0.0069
PANTHER-all 13464 0.2177 +- 0.0075
PANTHER-LDO 9740 0.1820 +- 0.0068
PhylomeDB 12618 0.1925 +- 0.0067
Proteinortho_6.0.13 8929 +- 168 0.1963 +- 0.0074
RBH-BBH 13972 0.1985 +- 0.0071
RSD 13730 0.1990 +- 0.0070
SonicParanoid 13944 0.1940 +- 0.0069
SonicParanoid_fast 13783 0.1938 +- 0.0070
SonicParanoid_sensitive 14116 0.1945 +- 0.0069

This benchmark samples orthologs from randomly sub-sampled species trees from the fungi clade, infers a gene tree from each sampled group and compares them with the expected species tree. Details on this benchmark are available in Altenhoff A et al., 2016 Standardized benchmarking in the quest for orthologs. Nature Methods, 13, 425-430.

This is an interactive plot of the results. You can enable/disable methods by clicking on the label in the legend, or hover over the data points to get extra information. The measures we use for precession and recall are explained in the documentation section.

Project Recall - completed tree samples Avg. Robinson-Foulds distance
Broccoli_1.0 19095 +- 213 0.0837 +- 0.0099
EggNOG 14782 0.0787 +- 0.0096
EggNOG-5-Fine-grained 16911 0.090 +- 0.010
EggNOG-5-Groups 16206 0.086 +- 0.010
EnsemblCompara-e56 14892 0.085 +- 0.010
EnsemblCompara-e81 15122 0.094 +- 0.010
GETHOGs-2.0 8900 0.0597 +- 0.0085
Hieranoid2 15201 0.0793 +- 0.0097
InParanoid 16481 0.0767 +- 0.0095
InParanoidCore 13533 0.0607 +- 0.0085
MetaPhOrs 15581 0.0810 +- 0.0098
OMA-GETHOGs 11130 0.0640 +- 0.0088
OMA-Groups-2.0 6291 0.0507 +- 0.0079
OMA-Groups-RefSet5 3584 0.0403 +- 0.0070
OMA-Pairs 8778 0.0637 +- 0.0087
OMA-Pairs-2.0 9932 0.0627 +- 0.0087
OrthoFinder-2.0-BLAST 20207 0.096 +- 0.011
OrthoFinder-2.0-DIAMOND 19651 0.092 +- 0.010
OrthoFinder-2.0-MSA 20314 0.097 +- 0.011
Orthoinspector-1.30 16825 0.0827 +- 0.0099
PANTHER-all 18627 0.108 +- 0.011
PANTHER-LDO 15670 0.0753 +- 0.0095
PhylomeDB 16299 0.0707 +- 0.0092
Proteinortho_6.0.13 8158 +- 162 0.0503 +- 0.0078
RBH-BBH 18304 0.095 +- 0.010
RSD 16608 0.0737 +- 0.0094
SonicParanoid 15043 0.0717 +- 0.0092
SonicParanoid_fast 12112 0.0577 +- 0.0083
SonicParanoid_sensitive 16449 0.0803 +- 0.0097

This benchmark compares the predicted orthologs with the orthologs from a set of manually curated reference gene trees. Details on this benchmark are available in Brigitte Boeckmann, Marc Robinson-Rechavi, Ioannis Xenarios, Christophe Dessimoz, 2011 Conceptual Framework and Pilot Study to Benchmark Phylogenomic Databases Based on Reference Gene Trees. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 12:5 (pp. 474-484).

This is an interactive plot of the results. You can enable/disable methods by clicking on the label in the legend, or hover over the data points to get extra information. The measures we use for precession and recall are explained in the documentation section.

Project True Positive Rate (TPR) Precision / Positive Predictive Value (PPV)
Broccoli_1.0 0.702 +- 0.067 0.892 +- 0.065
EggNOG 0.641 +- 0.065 0.893 +- 0.063
EggNOG-5-Fine-grained 0.650 +- 0.068 0.842 +- 0.068
EggNOG-5-Groups 0.658 +- 0.068 0.876 +- 0.065
EnsemblCompara-e56 0.660 +- 0.065 0.837 +- 0.064
EnsemblCompara-e81 0.646 +- 0.065 0.839 +- 0.064
GETHOGs-2.0 0.661 +- 0.065 0.885 +- 0.063
Hieranoid2 0.691 +- 0.065 0.883 +- 0.063
InParanoid 0.688 +- 0.065 0.883 +- 0.063
InParanoidCore 0.530 +- 0.066 0.884 +- 0.065
MetaPhOrs 0.741 +- 0.065 0.896 +- 0.063
OMA-GETHOGs 0.743 +- 0.064 0.857 +- 0.063
OMA-Groups-2.0 0.476 +- 0.068 0.881 +- 0.066
OMA-Groups-RefSet5 0.446 +- 0.068 0.879 +- 0.067
OMA-Pairs 0.627 +- 0.066 0.885 +- 0.063
OMA-Pairs-2.0 0.652 +- 0.066 0.883 +- 0.063
OrthoFinder-2.0-BLAST 0.802 +- 0.063 0.889 +- 0.062
OrthoFinder-2.0-DIAMOND 0.761 +- 0.064 0.878 +- 0.063
OrthoFinder-2.0-MSA 0.797 +- 0.064 0.888 +- 0.063
Orthoinspector-1.30 0.701 +- 0.065 0.877 +- 0.063
PANTHER-all 0.775 +- 0.064 0.821 +- 0.063
PANTHER-LDO 0.560 +- 0.066 0.881 +- 0.064
PhylomeDB 0.670 +- 0.068 0.892 +- 0.065
Proteinortho_6.0.13 0.529 +- 0.067 0.887 +- 0.065
RBH-BBH 0.621 +- 0.066 0.884 +- 0.063
RSD 0.572 +- 0.067 0.884 +- 0.064
SonicParanoid 0.688 +- 0.066 0.892 +- 0.063
SonicParanoid_fast 0.656 +- 0.066 0.888 +- 0.064
SonicParanoid_sensitive 0.716 +- 0.065 0.891 +- 0.063

This benchmark compares the predicted orthologs with the orthologs implied from the reconciled gene trees from tree fam. Details on this benchmark are available in Heng Li et. al, 2006 TreeFam: a curated database of phylogenetic trees of animal gene families. Nucl. Acids Res., 34(suppl 1): D572-D580.

This is an interactive plot of the results. You can enable/disable methods by clicking on the label in the legend, or hover over the data points to get extra information. The measures we use for precession and recall are explained in the documentation section.

Project True Positive Rate (TPR) Precision / Positive Predictive Value (PPV)
Broccoli_1.0 0.6905 +- 0.0047 0.9473 +- 0.0027
EggNOG 0.5657 +- 0.0051 0.9342 +- 0.0032
EggNOG-5-Fine-grained 0.5297 +- 0.0051 0.9368 +- 0.0033
EggNOG-5-Groups 0.6927 +- 0.0047 0.8673 +- 0.0039
EnsemblCompara-e56 0.4517 +- 0.0051 0.9142 +- 0.0041
EnsemblCompara-e81 0.5052 +- 0.0051 0.9132 +- 0.0039
GETHOGs-2.0 0.6096 +- 0.0050 0.8355 +- 0.0044
Hieranoid2 0.6035 +- 0.0050 0.9255 +- 0.0033
InParanoid 0.6317 +- 0.0049 0.9285 +- 0.0032
InParanoidCore 0.4764 +- 0.0051 0.9523 +- 0.0031
MetaPhOrs 0.6894 +- 0.0047 0.9484 +- 0.0026
OMA-GETHOGs 0.5959 +- 0.0050 0.8900 +- 0.0039
OMA-Groups-2.0 0.3895 +- 0.0050 0.9460 +- 0.0036
OMA-Groups-RefSet5 0.3323 +- 0.0048 0.9506 +- 0.0037
OMA-Pairs 0.5206 +- 0.0051 0.9191 +- 0.0037
OMA-Pairs-2.0 0.5780 +- 0.0050 0.9030 +- 0.0038
OrthoFinder-2.0-BLAST 0.7074 +- 0.0046 0.9274 +- 0.0030
OrthoFinder-2.0-DIAMOND 0.6843 +- 0.0047 0.9177 +- 0.0032
OrthoFinder-2.0-MSA 0.6928 +- 0.0047 0.9305 +- 0.0030
Orthoinspector-1.30 0.6551 +- 0.0049 0.9268 +- 0.0032
PANTHER-all 0.6765 +- 0.0048 0.8743 +- 0.0038
PANTHER-LDO 0.4388 +- 0.0051 0.9494 +- 0.0033
PhylomeDB 0.6232 +- 0.0049 0.9491 +- 0.0028
Proteinortho_6.0.13 0.4353 +- 0.0051 0.9456 +- 0.0034
RBH-BBH 0.4926 +- 0.0051 0.9480 +- 0.0031
RSD 0.4515 +- 0.0051 0.9489 +- 0.0033
SonicParanoid 0.6253 +- 0.0049 0.9248 +- 0.0033
SonicParanoid_fast 0.5908 +- 0.0050 0.9273 +- 0.0033
SonicParanoid_sensitive 0.6411 +- 0.0049 0.9260 +- 0.0032

This benchmark computes how well the gene ontology annotations are conserved among the predicted orthologs. Details on this benchmark are available in Altenhoff and Dessimoz, 2019 Phylogenetic and Functional Assessment of Orthologs Inference Projects and Methods. PLoS Computational Biology, 5(1): e1000262.

This is an interactive plot of the results. You can enable/disable methods by clicking on the label in the legend, or hover over the data points to get extra information. The measures we use for precession and recall are explained in the documentation section.

Project Recall - Number of Ortholog Relations Precision - Avg. Schlicker Similarity
Broccoli_1.0 139762 0.4685 +- 0.0012
EggNOG 77973 0.4991 +- 0.0016
EggNOG-5-Fine-grained 70393 0.5017 +- 0.0017
EggNOG-5-Groups 240192 0.45025 +- 0.00090
EnsemblCompara-e56 72387 0.4997 +- 0.0017
EnsemblCompara-e81 90848 0.4940 +- 0.0015
GETHOGs-2.0 126262 0.4622 +- 0.0013
Hieranoid2 104159 0.4933 +- 0.0014
InParanoid 126903 0.4824 +- 0.0012
InParanoidCore 66163 0.5098 +- 0.0017
MetaPhOrs 135207 0.4756 +- 0.0012
OMA-GETHOGs 123176 0.4815 +- 0.0012
OMA-Groups-2.0 47767 0.5156 +- 0.0021
OMA-Groups-RefSet5 38341 0.5202 +- 0.0023
OMA-Pairs 75621 0.5005 +- 0.0016
OMA-Pairs-2.0 88996 0.4910 +- 0.0015
OrthoFinder-2.0-BLAST 124952 0.4838 +- 0.0013
OrthoFinder-2.0-DIAMOND 117641 0.4835 +- 0.0013
OrthoFinder-2.0-MSA 119019 0.4865 +- 0.0013
Orthoinspector-1.30 103398 0.4957 +- 0.0014
PANTHER-all 174752 0.4658 +- 0.0011
PANTHER-LDO 61595 0.5118 +- 0.0018
PhylomeDB 104302 0.4900 +- 0.0014
Proteinortho_6.0.13 54545 0.5153 +- 0.0019
RBH-BBH 74024 0.5076 +- 0.0016
RSD 63070 0.5121 +- 0.0018
SonicParanoid 113834 0.4835 +- 0.0013
SonicParanoid_fast 102624 0.4825 +- 0.0014
SonicParanoid_sensitive 121654 0.4836 +- 0.0013

This benchmark computes how well the Enzyme Commission numbers are conserved among the predicted orthologs. Details on this benchmark are available in Altenhoff and Dessimoz, 2019 Phylogenetic and Functional Assessment of Orthologs Inference Projects and Methods. PLoS Computational Biology, 5(1): e1000262.

This is an interactive plot of the results. You can enable/disable methods by clicking on the label in the legend, or hover over the data points to get extra information. The measures we use for precession and recall are explained in the documentation section.

Project Recall - Number of Ortholog Relations Precision - Avg. Schlicker Similarity
Broccoli_1.0 121754 0.8814 +- 0.0013
EggNOG 73681 0.97185 +- 0.00082
EggNOG-5-Fine-grained 38899 0.98101 +- 0.00097
EggNOG-5-Groups 192118 0.8514 +- 0.0012
EnsemblCompara-e56 86605 0.9528 +- 0.0010
EnsemblCompara-e81 97614 0.9471 +- 0.0010
GETHOGs-2.0 97989 0.9328 +- 0.0011
Hieranoid2 92636 0.95871 +- 0.00088
InParanoid 113163 0.9295 +- 0.0011
InParanoidCore 76997 0.97461 +- 0.00077
MetaPhOrs 98829 0.9085 +- 0.0013
OMA-GETHOGs 110683 0.9387 +- 0.0010
OMA-Groups-2.0 57444 0.98353 +- 0.00074
OMA-Groups-RefSet5 45746 0.98693 +- 0.00072
OMA-Pairs 79193 0.97378 +- 0.00079
OMA-Pairs-2.0 86726 0.96585 +- 0.00085
OrthoFinder-2.0-BLAST 100695 0.94899 +- 0.00097
OrthoFinder-2.0-DIAMOND 97751 0.95719 +- 0.00091
OrthoFinder-2.0-MSA 96760 0.95644 +- 0.00094
Orthoinspector-1.30 102251 0.95403 +- 0.00091
PANTHER-all 120204 0.9370 +- 0.0010
PANTHER-LDO 68457 0.97329 +- 0.00086
PhylomeDB 89387 0.9524 +- 0.0010
Proteinortho_6.0.13 66351 0.98157 +- 0.00071
RBH-BBH 88379 0.95849 +- 0.00095
RSD 81280 0.96287 +- 0.00093
SonicParanoid 101294 0.9394 +- 0.0010
SonicParanoid_fast 87443 0.9304 +- 0.0012
SonicParanoid_sensitive 110620 0.9339 +- 0.0010